
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mike Wesch

  What does Mike Wesch believe about how students learn?  How does he act on those beliefs? Mike Wesch has many beliefs about learning. He starts presenting the idea that learning is designed in a very specific way. He describes this as “dumping information into people’s heads”. He also mentions how students on their first day and probably during the first weeks of school, think about how they are going to get through the class. He calls this the “notion of getting by”. Another term he presents is the “Vaccination Theory of Education” . He describes this belief as “once you’ve had a subject, you’ve already had it, and you don’t need to take it again, and hopefully you won’t have to suffer through it anytime in the future.” He decides to take action on these beliefs to transform their students’ learning. Wesch starts by asking his own students “What do you think about their education?. As an educator, as well as an investigator, Wesch starts by analyzing the data and discussi...

Boyd and Prensky

What do you make of the (divergent) positions of Boyd and Prensky?  What do you hear each of them saying about who youth are? Where do you stand on the “digital native” terminology? Boyd and Prensky both present the term “digital native” from different perspectives. Presnky explains that young people are growing up in digital work. He presents two frameworks: digital native and digital immigrant . Digital natives possess the knowledge of media and technology, understand these and possess technical skills. On the other hand, digital immigrants somehow disrupt digital natives and do not feel comfortable with technology. In my opinion, young people need to be in a learning environment that challenges them. They also need learning opportunities based on their interests to develop technical skills. Youth experiences and learning backgrounds need to be taken into consideration during the learning process. Youth learners need to be seen as producers...they need to be able to use their k...


  Introduction Hi! My name is Elsie Aquino. I am a Bilingual / Dual Language  teacher. I got accepted into the TESOL program with a Bilingual/Dual Language concentration at RIC. My summer is going great! I just finished working and planning to continue studying and to spend quality time with my family and my dog.